
Hometown: Colleyville, Tx

School: University of Texas at Arlington

Year: Sophomore

Organizations/Clubs:   Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals, Women in Aviation. 

Career Aspirations: Corporate or Commercial Pilot 

Hobbies & Interests: Golf, Dancing, gardening, hiking, and spending time with my family. 

Why are you passionate about aviation?

For the longest, I have been intrigued by the mechanics and physics of how planes fly, and this was ignited in the fifth grade when I saw the cockpit of a Boeing 777. As soon as I got a look, the gears in my brain started turning, and I wanted to know everything about the plane, from how it was built, to the physics of how it stays in the air. I got the opportunity to attend a High School with an Aviation program, which I enrolled in. I got a firm foundation of aviation, in addition to being able to train in a Redbird Flight Simulator. I also had the opportunity to intern at the Commemorative Air Force during my senior year in school. I got the opportunity to go to EAA Young Eagle Air Academy camp in the summer of 2019, where I took my first flight. After that experience, there was no doubt I wanted to become a pilot. All of this led me to pursue a career in Aviation with my burning curiosity about all the possible knowledge I can obtain to achieve my goals.

What is your future aspiration?

My future aspirations include potentially becoming a Naval or Air Force fighter pilot and doing that for some years, then becoming either a corporate pilot or commercial pilot. There are still many different avenues I could take with this career, and getting my private pilot’s certificate will allow me to get a strong foundation in aviation, while still exploring the options that are presented to me. 

Why did you choose to apply to Tuskegee NEXT?

I chose to apply to this program to allow myself to grow and take advantage of this opportunity to obtain my private pilot certification in addition to also learning additional life skills. I also hope that it will help me become more confident in my abilities. I also thought it would be a great opportunity to be around “like-minded individuals”, who share the same goals and aspirations as myself, which will also allow me to push myself and others. This program gives us the opportunity to achieve all that we have planned for ourselves and by doing this, we can be proud of ourselves and honor the legacy of the Tuskegee airmen.