Age: 17
Hometown: Baton Rouge, LA
School: Lee Magnet High School
Year: Class of 2020

Career Aspirations:
Commercial Pilot, Cargo Pilot

Hobbies & Interests:
I enjoy photography and videography. To combine my two passions, I started a YouTube channel: Kidd Aviation.

National Honors Society, New Orleans Golden Eagles, Lee Magnet High School Aviation Club

Why are you passionate about aviation?
I am passionate about aviation because it is challenging, it provides a way to see the world, and being in the air presents many opportunities. Aviation is full of surprises, but it also is a way to learn how to overcome obstacles and to look at every situation as a learning opportunity. Aviation provides an escape like no other!

What is your future aspiration?
My future aspiration is to be a role model, using my knowledge and experience to show others the amazing world of aviation. As a double minority, an African-American female, I specifically want to be a role model for minorities. There aren't many role models that look like us, and I want to be able to help others learn and grow. I also hope to inspire them to take up aviation as a career or hobby. Just as Tuskegee NEXT has given to me; I want to be able to give to others.

Why did you choose to apply to Tuskegee NEXT?
I chose to apply to Tuskegee NEXT because it gives someone like me an opportunity. Without Tuskegee NEXT, I would have to wait to obtain my private pilot's license. But, with the help of this program, I will obtain my license before graduating from high school. With a head start like this, I can work on my instrument rating before I go to college.

I also chose to apply to Tuskegee NEXT with the hope of connecting with individuals that have the same interests and ambitions that I have.