Name: Charlize B. Gutierrez-Lopez

Age: 18

Hometown: Tampa, Florida

College: Florida Polytechnic University

Graduation Year: 2028

About Me:

As a dedicated member of both the Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals (OBAP) and Women in Aviation, I am committed to exploring the aviation industry and connecting with its community. A few years ago, I was unsure of my career path. Fortunately, my mother's work with the Federal Aviation Administration introduced me to ACE Academies, sparking my interest in aviation. It was not until my first flight in a Cessna, however, that I knew with certainty that I wanted to become a pilot.

Whenever I am not pursuing aviation, I enjoy giving back to my community. Currently, I am a Girl Scout and am currently finishing my Gold Award with a local non-profit museum; the project aims to target the nearby Latino community so that they can learn more about themselves, their passions, and how they can use them to give back in their communities. My hobbies include playing strategy-based video games and experiencing new cultures. When I retire, I aspire to have explored at least 100 countries around the world.

Why are you passionate about aviation?

Until three years ago, I was unsure about my future. My love for traveling and learning about different cultures didn't seem to translate into a clear career path. However, in 2021, I joined the Ft. Worth ACE Academy, where I discovered my true passion: flying. Although I had some exposure to aviation through OBAP's online Explore Aerospace program, it wasn't until I took the controls and saw the world from above that I knew I wanted to be a pilot. My passion for aviation goes beyond the incredible views. It stems from the opportunity to connect with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures, increasing my understanding of the world while making a meaningful impact on others' lives. As a minority—being Black, Hispanic, and a woman—I am passionate about aviation because I want to show others, especially those who look like me, that they can achieve their dreams and make a difference in others' lives. Representation matters, and I aim to inspire the next generation to pursue their passions relentlessly.


Why did you choose to apply to Tuskegee NEXT and how did you hear about the program?

 I chose to apply to Tuskegee NEXT because I am determined to become a pilot, and this program offers the perfect opportunity to begin achieving my goal. I first learned about the Tuskegee NEXT program a year ago during my time at the OBAP Dallas ACE Academy, where two representatives presented information about it. Uncertain about my chances of acceptance, I applied as soon as I could to ensure I did not miss out on this incredible opportunity. Fortunately, I was accepted. While I am nervous about starting the training, I am more excited about the new opportunities and the amazing people I will have the chance to meet.


What are your future aviation aspirations?

My future aviation aspirations are to become a commercial pilot and to give back to the organizations that have supported me throughout this journey, especially OBAP and the Tuskegee NEXT Foundation. These organizations have been instrumental in shaping my path in aviation, and I am excited to pay it forward by supporting future pilots.

My future aviation aspirations also include flying alongside the individuals who have inspired me to pursue this career. Their guidance and encouragement have fueled my passion for aviation, and it would be an honor to fly with them one day.

I am driven by my passion for flying and my dream of becoming a pilot. Although I am uncertain about which airline I want to fly for, I am particularly interested in flying cargo. Despite that interest, I am fully prepared to fly any aircraft that enables me to fulfill my dream of becoming the best pilot I can be.

Fun Fact:

Even though I enjoy working with others, I am a little competitive, especially towards myself—I always strive to do my best in all situations.



“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.”
– Pelé