Name: Kai Wright

Age: 20

Hometown: Chicago, IL

College: Liberty University

Graduation Year: 2026


About Me:

My name is Kai Wright. I’m driven by a fundamental belief that with God and hard work, anything is possible. I am a third-year Aviation major at Liberty University, and I am also a trainee in the United States Air Force Reserve. Some of my hobbies are learning about planes, running an online business, braiding hair, fashion, health, and fitness.

Why are you passionate about aviation?

I’ve been passionate about aviation ever since I took my first flight to Disney World as a young girl. When I learned that there was a shortage of pilots, I knew that this was my opportunity to follow my dreams. I went to Girls in Aviation Day with United Airlines, and after that day I knew this was what I had to do.


Why did you choose to apply to Tuskegee NEXT and how did you hear about the program?

I decided to apply to Tuskegee NEXT because I knew it would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I wanted to be around others working towards the same goal of becoming pilots. I heard about Tuskegee NEXT during Service at Salem Baptist Church in Chicago, I knew it was a divine appointment.


What are your future aviation aspirations?

My future aviation aspirations are to become a pilot in the United States Air Force, become the first pilot in my family, and help lead others to discover opportunities within the aviation field.


Fun Fact:

I’m the CEO of my own company by the name of Kai’s Closet.



“When life presents you with opportunities, knock the door down.” -Kai Wright